Sepia Studio - Scratchpad

Creatives we ❤

Written by Amanda Eich | Oct 27, 2021 6:10:00 AM

Let’s be clear, we are fully committed to our work, and our partners… but we can’t help it. Sometimes a creative comes along that picks us up off our feet and we find ourselves with an artistic crush or two. Here are a few examples of work we love and instagram accounts you shouldn’t miss.

Kristen Meyer @kmsalvagedesign

There’s something about the perfect balance and interesting materials that Kristen Meyers uses to create her photography prints that has us mesmerized. The background color selection is sublime as well. It’s just simply… relaxing, almost, to peruse her beautiful work. You can find the full collection of her work here, where you can also purchase a print. But definitely add her to your follow list on the ‘gram where she posts her most recent work. It’s always a treat to see it pop into your feed. @kmsalvagedesign

Here are a few of our favorites.

“Grow”, Salvage Design

Maggie Enterrios @littlepatterns

When you create environmental graphics, you notice graphic patterns. An expert pattern maker and hand illustrator we are obsessed with is Maggie Enterrios with Little Patterns. The illustration style and 3-dimensional depth of her pieces is a really glorious side-step from this world of flat-line-icons that we can get lost in. We’re 3-dimensional beings in a 3-dimensional world and when you find a 2-dimesnional piece of art that represents that so perfectly, it’s a thing of beauty. You can find out more about the full offering collection of Little Patterns work (it’s extensive!) here.

If you want to have a full saturation burst of lovely in your instagram feed, definitely follow @littlepatterns. Also! If you want to bliss out to her newly published coloring book, Flowerscape, you can order that here.

A sneak peek into Flowerscape: A Botanical Coloring Book, by Maggie Enterrios