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AdminMar 12, 2019 11:55:07 AM2 min read

Cushing Account Manager Wins Art Bryan Award

2019 marks Cushing’s 90th anniversary – the actual date is in the fall.

As we state on the About Us section of the site, doors opened about a month before the stock market crash, and depression which followed.

It’s incredible to think you are probably browsing this article on a mobile device, possibly shared through a social media site. Times have changed. Cushing’s commitment to the Chicago community has not. And its not only ownership making a difference.

In February, Josette O’Neil – account manager extraordinaire – earned the River North Business Association Art Bryan Volunteer of the Year Award. Art owned the Red Head Piano Bar and was a pioneer in River North before it became a booming neighborhood. Involved with many committees, he was an all-around great guy and selfless volunteer. I had a chance to interview him a couple of years back.

As someone who is lucky enough to work with Josette, it is well-deserved! And speaks volumes about her work effort, ideas and value she provides to community and colleagues.

And yes – we talked Josette into answering some questions about her experience being named the winner! Keep scrolling for more.

How did it feel to hear your name called?

It was a complete surprise. I never sought to win anything by volunteering – just enjoy being involved and helping where I can. Truthfully, I know the other award nominees and Rachel, Romesha and Nicole are each so deserving. It is humbling to be in such great company.

How long have you been volunteering at RNBA?

I’m almost certain right after we joined in 2013? (may have been 2014). I first joined the mentor committee and marketing committee and from there helped with the River North Challenge, and Octoberfeast.

What do you think is most rewarding about supporting local organizations?

It’s always about connecting with people, building relationships and being part of an effort that is bigger than “you” – if that makes sense. When you put good out there, it comes back 10-fold and I (and the Cushing team) believe this 100%

What are your recommendations for professionals looking to balance volunteering and their work schedule?

Be mindful, don’t overbook – make sure you are getting involved with an organization you believe in. At times, I am heading out to committee commitments in the middle of the day. Occasionally they are in the evening. Don’t be afraid to use conference lines – or ask to dial in, if one is not available.

Any final thoughts?

Just nice to be with an organization that values community and giving back. Thanks to the River North Business Association for providing worthwhile opportunities to be involved!

Thanks for reading! Let us know which organizations you are involved with in the comments. We’d love to hear from you.