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Starwood Hotels

A client was seeking a sleek upgrade to their interior office space. The Cushing team was glad to oblige.

Portfolio Details

Project Type:

Custom Wall Art

Starwood Story

Starwood Story

Ann, Director of Marketing for Starwood Hotels & Resorts, was presented with a daunting task – find and design a new office space all within a year. Easy right? Not always, but Cushing developed a recipe for success. Take one cool client, two parts vinyl and delicately stir.

Direction & Strategy

Starwood envisioned the modern hotel ambiance of their properties, implemented in a new commercial space. Cushing provided onsite consultation, sizing doorways and measuring walls so all Starwood needed to do was choose a vinyl color.

Direction & Strategy
“Cushing is more than a traditional printer. They took steps to understand what we needed and helped bring the vision to reality.”

Solution & Results

Cushing provided multiple pieces of art and wall quotes to tie the office together. These included inspiring quotes printed in vinyl and travel photos. Ecstatic with the results; a Starwood employee blogged about it!

Solution & Results
Time for a new look

Time for a new look?

There are a host of printed solutions Cushing can provide to inject energy into your workplace. It’s time to get your office out of fluorescent lights, beige carpets and into a fresh environment with inspiring colors.

Seeking a recipe for sleek interior office space? Let’s talk about your space.

Use our quote form for a pricing estimate or give us a ring!