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Yvonne Aparicio

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Yvonne Aparicio

Graphics Project Manager

What is your favorite video game / board game?

Donkey Kong and NBA Street

If you could see any band in concert, at any point in history, who would it be?

Whitney Houston or Notorious B.I.G.

Describe your perfect Saturday.

Wake up to no alarm, gym session, binge watching a tv show while eating pasta and drinking a good wine, spend time with family and friends

What is your most used emoji?


All-time favorite movie?

Top 3: Love and Basketball, Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion, and Old School

What’s your favorite thing to produce / or see being produced in the shop?

Wall graphics and fine art prints

What’s something you’ve learned since joining the Cushing team?

I have already learned so much in my short time here (and still learning)! I’ve learned about the countless materials we can print on and how to setup files for installations. The best part is the amazing coworkers who are always willing to help.