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Knight E/A, Inc.

Cushing has worked with Knight E/A, Inc. a full service architectural and engineering firm, over 25 years.

Keep reading to learn more about the origin of this working relationship and let us know how we can assist with your next project.

Portfolio Details

Project Type:

Client: Knight E/A, Inc.

More About Knight E/A, Inc.

Craig Bachtell has been with Knight E/A, Inc. over 25 years. Founded as Lester B. Knight, the full service architectural and engineering firm is client-focused with a core business in transportation and public infrastructure. A company of 36 people in 1999, they have expanded to more than 130 staff members and are increasingly involved with multi-faceted infrastructure projects.  Engineers grow with the company, share input and collaborate on client assignments. The firm recently expanded into an office at 221 N. LaSalle Street, one of four locations.

Craig Bachtell
Multi Modal Regional Transportation
Making the Connection

The year was 1989 and Bachtell, a Documentation Engineer, needed a printer. Competition was fierce (still is), with decisions literally boiling down to pennies. A well-timed visit from Director of Business Development, Carl Hansen, made the right impact. Bachtell sensed the service provider was seeking a lasting business relationship, not just printing jobs. Running a print room to rush orders, Cushing has been Knight E/A Inc.’s “go- to” printer ever since.

Making the Connection

How did you ultimately choose Cushing?

“Pricing and relationships. Cushing is a vendor who understands the value of relationships.”
-Craig BachtellKnight E/A., Inc.
It Comes Down to Service

Bachtell rattles off projects and services Cushing has provided with ease.

The Green Alley Handbook, a walking guide produced for kiosks in the Cermak Blue Island streetscape, known as the greenest street in America.

There’s the World Recreation and Shooting Complex in Sparta, Illinois where bid documents were broken into four phases with a critical deadline.

Bidding and submittal documents.

Cruse scans and prints for a police department.

The list goes on and on.

Green Alley Handbook
EGG-cellent Suggestion

Another project stands out: a high speed rail presentation requiring planning, plotting and printing. With deadlines looming, the Cushing customer service representative listened, paying careful attention to the potential document updates; a dizzying array of text, pictures, art and aerials.  An alternative was hatched – forgive us – EGG prints (Engineering Grade Graphics) – also known as technical color printing or CAD color and printing directly to gator foam boards.

It not only saved time, it made perfect sense.

“Cushing understood the project goals and recommended a BETTER solution.”

EGG-cellent Suggestion
EGG-cellent Suggestion
Looking Ahead

As Knight E/A, Inc. grows and evolves, the Cushing team is ready to assist. Bachtell notes:


Cushing really is an extension of our staff.

Bachtell adds a final thought:

“Cushing let’s Knight E/A, Inc. focus on being engineers instead of the printing. Keep up the great work! Knight E/A Inc. has used EGG prints for quick turn, last minute project needs.
Craig Bachtell
-Craig Bachtell of Knight E/A Inc.READ THEIR SPOTLIGHT
How May We Help You?

We are ready to assist with your rush orders and quick turn projects. Contact us

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